Mission & Vision
When I look back on the journey of Man Up and Go, it’s clear that the evolution of our mission and vision has been a deeply collaborative and transformative process. In case we haven’t met, I’m Jeff Ford, and as the CEO of this organization, I’ve had the privilege of working with an incredible team to refine our purpose and strategy, guided by insights from thought leaders like Simon Sinek and deeply rooted in our Christian faith.
The inception of Man Up and Go was sparked by a defining moment in 2014, when Jason Clement and I returned from a life-changing trip to Africa. We were inspired by the work we saw and felt a burning desire to make a difference here at home. This was also the year we decided to climb Kilimanjaro, a symbol of our commitment to reaching new heights both personally and professionally. It was during these pivotal moments that we realized we needed to formalize our efforts into a nonprofit organization.
Our early discussions were filled with excitement and a bit of confusion. We had a vision, but it was scattered. Our focus seemed to waver between helping men, supporting children, and organizing mission trips. We knew we had to distill our purpose into something clear and actionable. So, we engaged in a think tank session with our initial board members, where we created a massive collage of ideas and aspirations. It was a vibrant mess of possibilities, but it wasn’t until later that we began to crystallize our core message.
Simon Sinek’s concept of “Start with Why” became a guiding light for us. In his famous TED Talk, Sinek emphasizes that understanding why we do what we do is crucial for inspiring others and creating meaningful impact. Applying this principle, we redefined our approach to focus on our core mission: to end fatherlessness by mobilizing men to actively participate in this critical cause.
Our mission evolved into a clear statement: “We believe every child deserves a dad.” This became our rallying cry. As Sinek would put it, our “Why” is our North Star—it’s what drives us. We’re not just running a nonprofit; we’re part of a movement that fights for the fatherless and advocates for every child having a father figure in their life. Our “How” involves mobilizing men and providing them with the tools and support needed to make a difference. Finally, our “What” is the execution of our programs, from organizing mission trips to offering wrap-around support for adoptive and foster families.
Over time, our vision and language have been refined, but the essence remains the same. It’s about aligning our actions with our purpose and staying true to our core values. I remember heated debates with our board members about the specifics of our programs, but through it all, the clarity of our “Why” helped us stay focused. We may have had disagreements and shifts along the way, but the core message has always been about fighting for the fatherless and creating a better future for children.
Reflecting on this journey, I’m reminded of James 1:27, which says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” This scripture embodies the heart of Man Up and Go and underscores our commitment to caring for the vulnerable.
Our mission is more than just a statement; it’s a call to action. By starting with why we do what we do, we’ve been able to inspire others and drive meaningful change. As we continue to grow and evolve, our focus remains steadfast: to see a father for every child and to mobilize men to make that vision a reality.
Thanks for reading,
Jeff Ford