Trusting God's Plan
What’s next, Lord?
Discernment and Praying for Guidance
We all want to know God’s will for our lives. It’s a question that lingers in our hearts as we navigate decisions, both big and small. But the truth is, understanding God's plan isn't always clear-cut, —even “deeply religious” people have a hard time listening and obeying His calling. It’s a journey that requires a posture of gratitude and humility—coming before God with a heart that says, "Lord, I will do whatever You want," and truly meaning it. Not as a bargaining chip, but as an act of surrender.
Many times, we try to fit God’s will into our own expectations, but His plan is far greater than anything we could imagine. There's a mystery in how our free will choices align with His divine purpose. The decisions we make, whether we know they are right or wrong in the moment, are all part of the intricate tapestry He has woven from eternity past. If we walk through a door, it’s because He already knew we would, and He has a plan to use that choice for His glory.
God has an ultimate destination for us, but the path we take to get there is shaped by our willingness to listen and obey. If we seek Him earnestly, the journey may be smoother. If we rely on our own understanding, the road may be rocky and full of detours. Sometimes, we force open doors that weren’t meant for us, and other times, we miss opportunities God placed right in front of us. Yet, in His grace, He gently redirects us, leading us back to where we need to be and we must follow his ultimate authority as a teacher.
Over time, as our relationship with God deepens, we become more attuned to His voice. Just like any relationship, the more time we spend with Him, the more we understand His heart and desires. Our will begins to align with His, and as we prove faithful with the little things, He entrusts us with more. The Bible reminds us, "He who is faithful in little will be entrusted with much." This journey isn’t about arriving quickly but about growing in trust and obedience.
Looking back, I realize that some lessons can only be learned through experience. In my younger years, I often tried to fast-track my way to success and have made mistakes that hurt me and my family. But God, in His wisdom, has shown me that patience and faithfulness are essential. The challenges, the delays, and even the failures have all been part of His preparation for what’s next – and that it’s never too late to make the right choice. Pastors, faith advisors, and deacons in your church are great partners to help you discern God’s word, lead you in a path of repentance, and embrace the sweetness we find in God’s grace.
In today’s culture, it’s easy to get caught up in the desire for instant results, especially when we see others seemingly rise to influence overnight. But leadership and impact require a foundation of character that can only be built over time. The truth is, no matter how much we may want to know the full picture of God’s will, our responsibility is to trust Him step by step.
If we remain humble and open, He will guide us—even when we make mistakes. His grace covers our missteps and leads us back to the right path. The key is staying close to Him, listening, and being willing to take the next step in faith, knowing He will lead us exactly where we need to be.
Be well,
Jeffrey Charles Ford